Financial Year End: 28 February 2017 – Submit Annual Financial Statements to FSB by 30 June 2017
All FSPs whose financial year end was 28 February 2017 must ensure that their financial statements are submitted to the FSB by 30 June 2017.
Please be sure that your accounting records have been sent to your accountants and that they are on track to meet the deadline. Failure to do so can result in your licence being suspended and a penalty imposed.
Financial Year End: 31 December 2016 – Submit Annual Financial Statements to FSB by 30 April 2017
All FSPs whose financial year end was on 31 December 2016 must ensure that their Annual Financial Statements are submitted to the FSB by 30 April 2017.
Where an FSP is unable to submit their Annual Financial Statements before the due date, an extension can be requested. This request must reach the FSB at least 15 days before the submission date. If an extension is required and the request has not yet been submitted, we recommend that the FSP urgently contacts the FSB to establish whether an extension will be considered.
The Registrar may impose a penalty up to R1000 per day, from the date on which the financial statements become due until the date on which it is received by the Registrar.
FSPs that are required to submit Annexure A (see Board Notice 82 of 2016) together with their Annual Financial Statements, must remember to do so.