FSTC Reporting 2023
All entities operating in the financial sector are reminded to submit their B-BBEE compliance reports for the 2021/22 period to the Financial Sector Transformation Council (FSTC) by cob 13 October 2023. Click here to read more.
Liquidity Calculation
FSPs (CAT II, IIA, and III) required to maintain liquid assets and whose financial year end was 28 February 2023, are required to submit Form A: Liquidity Calculation (Annexure six of BN 194 of 2017) to the FSCA by 15 October 2023.
FSPs experiencing delays in FSCA Levy Invoices
The FSCA usually sends levy invoices to FSPs around the end of September with payment due by 31 October. Masthead has corresponded with the FSCA to enquire about the issuing invoices to FSPs within the usual timeframe and they have confirmed that a delay has been experienced in finalising the levy process for this year. The FSCA did not provide a new deadline for payment of levies as this has not yet been finalised. Masthead customers will be kept up to date through internal communications.
Licence application for Crypto Asset FSPs
Persons rendering a financial service in relation to crypto assets, must apply to the FSCA to be authorised as an FSP by 30 November 2023. Click here to read more.