Category II, IIA & III FSPs required to report Assets under Management
Category II, IIA and III FSPs must calculate their assets under management (AUM) as at 31 August 2023 and prepare this for submission to the FSCA via the FAIS ePortal. The deadline for submission is 20 September 2023.
FSTC Reporting 2023
All entities operating in the financial sector are reminded to submit their B-BBEE compliance reports for the 2021/22 period to the Financial Sector Transformation Council (FSTC) by cob 13 October 2023. Click here to read more.
Keep a look out for your Levy invoice
The FSCA will prepare and send Levy Invoices to FSPs towards the end of September 2023. FSPs are reminded to check that the FSCA has their most up-to-date contact details to ensure that the Invoice reaches the FSP and can be paid before the deadline date of 31 October 2023. If an FSP does not receive their invoice ahead of the deadline date, we suggest that they contact the FSCA to request that this be re-sent to them. Failure to pay levies timeously can result in licence suspension.