Annual Financial Statements
A reminder to all FSPs whose financial year end was 28 February 2022 to ensure that their annual financial statements are submitted to the FSCA by 30 June 2022. FSPs which are required to submit Annexure A (FAIS Notice 82 of 2015) together with their Annual Financial Statements, are reminded to do so.
It remains the responsibility of the FSP and Key Individual to ensure that these statements are submitted within the prescribed period. Failure to do so can result in the FSP’s license being suspended and a penalty imposed.
If you are unable to submit your annual financial statements by the due date, you may request an extension. Requests for extensions must be submitted at least 15 days before the submission date to the FSCA.
Update your Competence Register
FSPs must ensure that their Competence Register is updated with CPD activities within 30 days after the expiry of each CPD cycle ie. The FSP must ensure that their Competence Register is updated by 30 June 2022.
Planning for the new CPD cycle
The new CPD cycle started on 1 June 2022 and will end on 31 May 2023. FSPs, KIs, and Reps are required to prepare a CPD Training Plan. The CPD training plan must ensure that the type and combination of CPD activities undertaken are relevant, contribute to the knowledge, skills and ethical standards of the FSP, its KIs and Reps. The CPD training plan must also address any identified needs or gaps, while ensuring that the required CPD hours are obtained timeously.
Masthead offers an Online CPD Package and Competency register to assist with attaining CPD hours. Click here to find out more.